As the retail industry goes through a period of dramatic disruption, organizations are reinventing themselves to meet evolving consumer needs and behavior. Marsh McLennan helps retailers achieve transformative change. 通过将深厚的行业知识和最先进的分析技术与协作相结合, hands-on approach we help organizations reduce risks, improve profitability and unlock new opportunities for growth.
的角度来看 零售 talent shortage or labor shift? 随着新冠肺炎疫情的到来,零售业面临着一个新的障碍——寻找和留住人才. 1的近90%,人力资源管理协会(SHRM)在2021年7月就COVID-19劳动力短缺问题对200家雇主进行了调查,他们表示今年夏天很难填补空缺职位,73%的雇主表示,他们看到那些难以填补的职位的申请人数减少. -
的角度来看 支付最低限额 Adjusting for a change in the United States Federal 最低工资 -
的角度来看 What’s top of mind for small and large retailers in 2021? 2021年的主要主题 The events that took place in 2020 were unprecedented for all businesses. When it comes to the severity of the disruption, 虽然, the retail industry was arguably one of the hardest to be hit. The turmoil came on multiple fronts. Essential employees became regarded as heroes as the global health crisis unfolded. 同时, 在社会正义运动和街头公民骚乱中,实体店被迫关闭. 所有这些,再加上同时发生的经济衰退和全渠道的加速,难怪人力资源主管们夜不能寐,思考着商业领袖提出的一系列网赌app劳动力的新问题. Regardless of your retail segment (grocery, 服装, 餐厅, 家居用品, 或专业), 所有的人力资源主管都被推来拉去地朝不同的方向发展,他们一边忙着寻找临时的十大靠谱赌博平台,一边还要关注长期的问题, 如: 我们如何激励, 吸引, and retain hourly workers who don’t have a safety net in times of an emergency? 我们能否帮助那些照顾家人或与家人分离的员工减轻疲劳,以保持他们的生产力? Is the COVID-19 workforce plan sustainable (i.e.我们能在今天,明天,甚至一年的时间里在这个远离社会的环境中工作吗?? 由于我们仅限于经营店面,我们应该如何解决全渠道项目的人才短缺问题? As we move forward from the early days of the pandemic, Mercer has identified key retail HR themes to focus on in 2021. 请继续阅读我们与业内公司的对话,分享我们的见解和经验. -
的角度来看 毛皮婴儿潮 The COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives in many ways. 过去一年里, 我们学会了烹饪, 学会了教书, became amateur epidemiologists, and – in many cases – welcomed new, 毛茸茸的家庭成员, making the most of the unexpected time at home. 奥纬咨询(Oliver Wyman)最近在2020年9月进行的一项美国宠物食品调查发现,四分之一的宠物主人报告说,在过去的六个月里(新冠肺炎疫情后),他们养了一只毛茸茸的伴侣。, with these new pet owners heavily skewed towards the younger Gen Z and millennial cohort, who tend to spend more on pet care and are more digitally focused. 这次大流行表明,购物者对品牌的忠诚度很高,宠物食品对经济低迷具有弹性. 大约70%的宠物主人表示,无论经济状况如何,他们都不打算改变宠物的饮食习惯, according to the American Pet Product Association COVID-19 study. 然而, as was the case with many other industries, the pet food category saw an accelerated shift to digitization. -
的角度来看 The 下一个 Generation of Office Communication Tech Most knowledge workers in 2020 are familiar with mixed reality tools like Zoom, 团队, and Slack that enable them to meet in virtual locations. By merging real and virtual worlds to produce new environments, 就在9个月前,员工还依赖于面对面的办公室交流,现在他们在虚拟的热带岛屿上会面, virtually “stand” in front of presentations beamed around the world, or maintain banter and team spirit with timely GIFs and emojis mixed into their workday messages. -
的角度来看 Recovering and Rebounding From COVID-19 零售商面临着一个生存挑战:在保守的成本控制方法之间取得平衡,同时支持增长,以度过当前的COVID-19危机及未来. -
的角度来看 定位零售 &Restaurant Companies for Success in 2021 A global public health crisis, civil unrest and social justice activism, 提高保险价格, 更精明的网络罪犯, and an unprecedented number of named storms —2020 has not been an easy year for businesses. 对于零售商和餐馆来说,传统上依靠面对面的互动来完成大部分业务, this year has been especially challenging. -
的角度来看 COVID-19: Is The Worst Yet to Come For 零售? The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted supply chains, 改变了消费者行为, and created havoc in the global economy. 然而, thanks to the financial support of central governments, much of the pain of the crisis has been ameliorated and pushed out into the future. 这些前所未有的对就业和企业的支持为管理大流行的影响提供了至关重要的帮助. In a way, our economies have been given a ""painkiller."" But painkillers wear off - repeated use tends to dull the effect and often end in addiction -
的角度来看 准备好食物 Preferences for ready meals are constantly changing in the food market. 事实上, 世界各地, customers are seeking higher-quality food without having to prepare it themselves from scratch. This has contributed to the popularity of ready-meal takeaways and quick delivery, for which consumers have demonstrated a willingness to pay a premium. These demand shifts are transforming the supply side of the market, driving cafés and 餐厅 to adjust their business models. 同时, this shift opens new horizons for grocers and supermarkets. 毕竟, the ready-meals delivery market can strengthen food retailers’ competitiveness, whilst dark kitchen technology (in which meals are prepared for delivery only, (不在咖啡厅或热餐柜台出售)可能有助于增加公司的利润和客户基础. -
的角度来看 零售 and the pursuit of a diverse and inclusive workplace 众所周知,千禧一代和Z世代正在对零售业产生重大而多样的影响. -
的角度来看 Revitalizing 零售 Online and Offline After COVID-19 零售和消费品业务部正在采访来自世界各地的团队成员,以了解行业趋势和当前事件如何在各自的地理市场中发挥作用. To get Imke's perspective on e-commerce and digital trends in China, please read the recent discussion she had with Jim Bacos, 零售 & Consumer Goods Senior Partner. -
的角度来看 关注未来 对于零售商, 这个问题没有简单的答案——“我该采取什么措施来确保我的人民的福祉,并保持企业的运营。?“ — Yet, retailers had to formulate a response. -
的角度来看 Winning the 零售 Battle in A World Without Mask Restrictions China retail market has entered a new era with decelerated overall growth, and the COVID-19 has hit it further harder. 这种动荡的局面将触发/加速渠道动态和消费者购物行为的结构性变化, and China market is now entering the “Post-COVID Normal”. -
的角度来看 价值的回归 由于COVID-19大流行和相关的“封锁”,杂货零售业的销售额大幅增长。, but this surge is likely to slowly recede. 随着经济衰退的到来, 杂货商需要专注于如何为消费者提供价值,以确保他们在未来几个月里处于成功发展的最佳位置. -
的角度来看 In A Downturn, Include Your Employees in Cost-Cutting Decisions 几乎所有企业都在重组业务,以应对新冠肺炎大流行造成的经济放缓. 经常, 公司采用自上而下的方法,根据盈利预测和竞争基准等有限的数据调整规模. But following this playbook usually results in “wrong sizing” and demoralized employees. 而不是, 领导者应该根据他们最有价值的专有见解来源——员工——提供的数据,重新设计他们的运营. 数据和建议的民主化收集使领导团队能够更清楚地了解组织内正在进行的活动和计划. 它还提供了一个更详细的视角,通过这个视角,他们可以评估哪些活动对实现战略目标最有价值,哪些活动可以在共享服务环境中自动化或管理——或者停止. When leaders take this bottom-up approach, 我们发现,他们不仅大幅削减了成本,而且更快地实现了目标,因为管理者和员工都有动力提供帮助. Changes are then also more likely to stick -
的角度来看 The Generational Shift That Will Change Business Behaviors 将环境和社会承诺融入其核心业务的公司正在为即将到来的代际转变做好准备